Sometimes, we want to plant something different which can make our garden special. The Skeleton Key Pothos is the most uncommon and intriguing variety. It comes from the beloved Pothos family due to its unique and magical look. This plant has become most favorite to many plant artists. Especially, those people who have a great passion for having multiple and diverse plants in their collection like these plants.
However, distinctive name of the skeleton plant is pore popular because of its unique shape, leaves, and most important classical skeleton key. If you are looking for a low-maintenance, striking plant to brighten up your home, consider the Skeleton Key Pothos. In this guide, I will describe the all aspects of taking care, propagating and different major terms.
The importance of Skeleton Key Pothos
What makes Skeleton Key Pothos an extraordinary houseplant? There are certain features of this plant which simply make them different from others. So, people’s attraction towards these plants is increasing with time. Let’s see why these plants are so popular-
- The biggest characteristic that stands out on it is its leaves. At the beginning period or early growing. Leaves of these plants are heart-shaped.
- Nonetheless, with a maturity this plant’s leaf turn into a key-like shape thus giving it an almost artistic appearance.
- Leaves of these plants look very beautiful and strong in feature. These do not damage with a little cause.
- Low maintenance pattern makes these plants more popular among a lot.
- There are multiple types of these skeleton key pathos through which people get option to choose as per their choice.
Changing pattern of skeleton with time

Think of these plants first. It is known as an ordinary Pothos. If you want to plant these trees as indoor, you should know the changing patterns of these plants. Let’s see!
- In the beginning, it appears to be with heart-shaped leaves that you know from somewhere, probably a Golden Pothos.
- After passing some days, something very strange occurs. You see that the leaves are becoming different.
- Day after day, this plant seems like they just grow fast and then become thin enough similar to old skeleton keys.
- Sometimes, change of this evolution will not only magical but also a representation to you. So, you have to be kept patience for being strong and beautiful with proper taking care.
The Origin of the Skeleton Key Pothos
Basically, the skeleton key pothos is a cultivar of the popular Epipremnum aureum. And, it originally comes from tropical regions which you will find in the Southeast Asia, especially the Solomon Islands. Like with other pothos varieties, this skeleton plant is much durable and popular. This key pathos is adjustable with humidity and indirect lighting surroundings.
At present, these indoor plants have been flooded with skeleton key Pothos varieties because these have unique features and they are very easy to grow. Although it appears like a rare and dainty plant, truly, these grow at harsh conditions just like other pothoses which are similar to this type.
Caring guide for the Skeleton Key Pothos

Proper caring for a skeleton key pothos is not complex and these key pothos make it ideal both for beginners and experienced plant lovers. Now, I will share with you the effective and easy caring techniques. Consider these guides with more critical and important aspects-
- Light Requirements
Skeleton keys love to grow within bright indirect light. This is exposing them to direct sunlight which may result in burns on leaf tips that turn brown or curling leaves.
However, this does not mean that they cannot also survive under low-light conditions hence providing various possibilities for your house layout. Bright filtered light is best if you want to get maximum growth and more attractive leaf shapes.
- A Window of Opportunity
To provide extra care, you should put your Skeleton Key Pothos on a windowsill where it gets soft morning rays which are very effective. With getting this care, you will see that these leaves getting longer quick and the shape of a key more attractive. It is all about good light which can turn an ordinary plant into an astonishing one.
2. Watering
Skeleton key pothos generally likes moderate watering habits. Never water into these plants with excess amount. You should wait for the top inch or so to dry out before watering again. Over-watering causes root rot while under-watered leaves will droop. You should keep consistent with your watering habit. The proper watering technique depends on seasonal facts and indoor environment, water once every 7-10 days.
- Soil and Potting
Keep in mind that, the skeleton key pothos requires well-drained potting mixes. Follow up using a regular houseplant mixture which has been mixed with perlite or orchid bark to promote proper drainage system. In addition, the plant need contains slightly acidic to neutral pH as it aids in effective nutrient uptake.
On the other hand, in choosing pot, choose those that have holes at their bottom parts to prevent water logging. As such check your plants every 2-3 years. Besides this, if roots are growing fast it will boost its continuous healthily growth.
Climbing Plant to Grow as a Skeleton Key Pothos
One of the most important things about the Skeleton Key Pothos is its capacity to climb or trail in its wild form. Basically, it grows on trees or other large plants with the help of aerial roots. This can be achieved indoors by providing this tree a moss pole, trellis, or some other support which will help these plants.
Anyway, leaves of an adult climbing Skeleton Key Pothos appear larger and long enough compared to trailing ones. These plants tend to grow in search of light, meaning they exhibit vigorous growth properties.
So, imagine your own supplied moss pole gradually covered by the tendrils of the skeleton key pothos. Each month, the growth of its leaves slightly is continuous better. It feels good to see your plant growing how it would if left untamed. At times it seems like you have brought part of the forest into your home.
How to explain the propagation method of your skeleton key pothos
One of the benefits of having any Pothos variety is that it can be easily propagated, and this holds for the Skeleton Key. It’s possible to propagate this skeleton plant by using stem cuttings. It keeps growing of its different body parts of your house.
Let’s know the propagation technique step-by-step Guide-
Step 1: At first, choose a healthy stem with at least two nodes from which you will be able to start propagation.
Step 2: You have to use sterilized and sharp scissors to cut the stem just below any node.
Step 3: Now, take the cutting part and put it into a glass of water ensuring that at least one node is submerged in water.
Step 4: Then, after a few weeks root development, you will need to put the cutting into the soil when the roots have grown to approximately one or two inches long.
Step 5: Finally, you will see the growing development of your new cutting part. This little piece would eventually develop into an individual organism revealing itself through natural contact all through your life.
Identifying problems and ways to prevent them

This skeleton plant can face several common problems like all. Even though, skeleton key pothos is an easy-to-care-for plant, you have to check regularly and try to notice the common issues. Here’s a explanation for you that how to fix a few potential issues-
1. Leaves Turning Yellow
This is often a symptom of overwatering. Ensure that the soil has dried out before you water again and always use well-drained potting soil.
2. Tips Browning
Brown tips can be caused by low humidity or under-watering. Consider misting your plants frequently or placing them near a humidifier to raise the humidity around them.
3. Long Stems with Few Leaves
If your Skeleton Key Pothos appears stretched, it could be due to insufficient light levels. Relocate it to a place with more light, but avoid direct sunlight.
How Skeleton Key Pothos will Fits into Your Home Décor?
The Skeleton Key Pothos is much more than another houseplant. It is a conversation starter and with its unusual leaf shape, it adds an artistic touch to any room. So, these unique plants will suit those who want some natural appeal with an artistic feature.
However, when the spines of skeleton plants grow from the back parts its beauty increased more. Then these growing parts will climb more from the bottom to top side. This exposes an amazing beauty of nature.
Final say
At present, the elegance and unique appearance are much popular to plant lovers like skeleton key pothos. The different look of skeleton just makes it an exception. It is a plant that will grow with you and it will change its appearance with time.
So, you will be rewarding taking loving care with beautiful shapes that seem almost like magic. Amazingly, this plant care is suitable for beginner or experienced gardeners also. You can take this plant as your first choice to enhance beauty of your indoor.