rieger begonia flower petals turning brown

Rieger begonias are a common houseplant with colorful flowers and deep green foliage. The Rieger begonia flower petals turning brown. Still, if you see the flower petals of your Rieger begonia begin to brown, it can be worrisome.

Browning petals can be a sign of many things, but they are usually easy to remedy with just a little time and care. In this article, you will learn about the primary causes of browning Rieger begonia petals and the ways to tackle every cause for a perfectly blooming plant. Let’s see the better part!

Most Likely Etiologies of Rieger Begonia Petal Browning

Let’s know the overall details of the brown color-

Now, let us look into each cause and how you can fix a Rieger begonia.

Overwatering or Poor Drainage

Overwatering is one of the most common reasons why Rieger begonia petals can turn brown. Begonias need damp soil, but too wet and their roots rot from fungal problems that will turn the flower petals brown or even cause them to drop off altogether.

So, they suffer from being waterlogged, and Rieger begonia is more sensitive to poor drainage on pot soil.

Signs of Overwatering:


Always check soil moisture levels easily with your finger, roughly inch deep in soil before watering. If it is moist, wait a couple more days before watering.

The pot must have drainage holes, and do not allow the pot to sit in water. A well-draining soil, like a mix of potting soil and perlite, helps avoid over-saturation also.

In winter, when the plant is hibernating, water less as you don’t want it getting stagnant.

On the other hand, dry conditions or too little water will cause the petals of a Rieger begonia to turn brown. Because begonias thrive in humid conditions, it is good that the humidity level of the surrounding area needs to be kept slightly higher than average compared to normal.

If the air is too dry, or if the plant hasn’t received sufficient water, those tender petals can dry up and turn brown and crispy.

Signs of Underwatering:


The soil should remain just moist, not soggy. In other words, you should water more thoroughly and less often than light frequent watering.

Rieger begonias perform best when given a moderate to high humidity environment. Humidity tray or use a humidifier in the area. I’m gratified also give a bit of gentle misting, but not misting on the flowers as this may cause spotting or fungus sometimes.

Browning of petals is common for most Rieger begonias as they are susceptible to temperature extremes. They like it best between 60°F & 75°F and temperatures too far out of this range can stress or damage the flowers, especially cold drafts or direct hot sunlight.

Signs of Temperature Stress


Position your begonia in a place where it will not get cold drafts or direct bright light. Don’t put it next to air conditioners, heaters, or windows exposed in the hot afternoon sun.

Keep the plant in an area with consistent, medium-range temperatures. If you bring it outside as used at warmer months, ensure that the pet is shaded or partly shaded spot to keep away from getting too hot.

Improper Lighting Conditions:

rieger begonia flower petals turning brown

Although Rieger begonia require light to thrive, direct sun will burn their petals causing them to melt and brown. They grow best in bright, indirect light – shading them from the sun is advised as high sunlight can leave flowers wilting or with browned edges.

Signs of Light Stress:


Give your Rieger begonia an ideal home near a window with filtered light or in a bright spot that gets several hours of indirect sunlight.

In the event that they cannot avoid direct sunlight, use sheer curtains to keep their plant safe from harsh rays.

Rotate the plant every now and then to make sure that no side is getting more light than other because this may cause stress on one side of your plant.

Pests and Diseases

Pests or fungal diseases can also be the cause of browning petals in Rieger begonias. Widespread pests such as aphids, spider mites and thrips can also affect the petals by causing browning or discoloration.

Fungal diseases explained for their part, caused by an excessive watering or humidity too high to add to petal browning.

Indicators of Pest or Disease Problems:


Look for pests on your Rieger begonia, be sure to inspect for little bugs or webbing. Early detection of pest problems helps avoid major infestations.

In case of mild infestations, wiping the plant with soapy water or insecticidal soap may be effective. It is also effective against many common pests.

Use pruning shears to remove any petals or leaves which have severe browning or other signs of disease.

Improved air circulation around the plant helps to prevent fungal infections from spreading. Do not overcrowd plants and they should be in a well-ventilated environment.

Nutrient Deficiency

rieger begonia flower petals turning brown

Deficit of essential nutrients also contributes to petal browning at Rger begonia. These plants respond well to a balanced fertilizer, particularly during the growing season.

If this plant is deficient in nutrition, it may not have enough energy to carry on with the blossoms and its petals will either curl or simply turn brown to fade.

Signs of Nutrient Deficiency:


Your Rieger begonia should be fed every two to four weeks during its growing season with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer. Over-fertilization may damage the plant.

Ensure the plant is growing in high quality and nutrient rich potting soil to provide important nutrients

If you are fertilizing regularly, use plain water to send salt particles to their graveyards about once every few months; otherwise, these can cause root health problems, and flowers that lack vigor.


Rieger begonia flower petals turning brown, it is usually a sign that the plant requires some alteration in its surroundings. Knowing your plant requires when it comes to watering, light, temperature and nutrition allows you to avoid those browning blooms and keep them in tip-top shape for longer.

A beautiful flower that is high maintenance and sensitive to their environment but if given the right attention it pays you back with vibrant colors and where your flowers bloom nicely.

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